Question: 1 / 75

What should a security guard do after responding to an emergency?

Immediately call emergency services

Immediately document the events and actions taken

After responding to an emergency, documenting the events and actions taken is crucial for several reasons. This documentation serves as an official record of what transpired, allowing for a thorough review and analysis of the incident later. It captures details such as the time, location, individuals involved, and specific actions taken by the security guard, which can be vital for legal and procedural purposes. Good documentation also aids in the development of future protocols and can help inform training and policy adjustments.

While notifying emergency services, informing a supervisor, or waiting for instructions are important steps in emergency management, these actions may not be immediately relevant depending on the given context. The immediate focus should be on recording the situation accurately and thoroughly to ensure that all relevant information is captured while it is still fresh in memory. This practice not only enhances accountability but also promotes a culture of safety and diligence within the security profession.

Inform their supervisor verbally

Wait for instructions from a senior officer


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