Ace the West Virginia Security Guard Exam 2024 – Unlock Your Future in Security!

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What are post standing orders?

Written orders that set out all emergency procedures

Written rules which may include but are not limited to operational, procedural, and administrative matters

Post standing orders are written rules that cover a variety of aspects related to daily operations, procedures, and administrative matters in a specific setting, typically in a security organization. This includes instructions on how to handle emergencies, but it is not limited to just that. Option A is incorrect because it only refers to emergency procedures, whereas standing orders cover a broader range of topics. Option C is incorrect because it refers to a list of tasks specific to a security guard's shift, rather than comprehensive rules for the entire organization. Option D is incorrect because it is too specific and implies that the standing orders are exclusively related to the emergency measures plan, whereas they cover a wider range of matters. Therefore, option B is the best answer as it accurately describes the purpose and scope of post standing orders.

A list of things to do before you start your shift as a security guard

They are a set of orders included in the emergency measures plan


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